Products | Stratus Audio Cable

Stratus Audio Cable


SKU: 253030-000022 Category: Tag:


The Stratus Audio Cable is required to enable the audio playback and transcription playback features in Stratus Insight EFB and Stratus Horizon Pro app. Please refer to the information below regarding iOS device compatibility, and if you have a question about compatibility with your aircraft, our support team is happy to help.


Stratus Insight and Stratus Horizon Pro do not support the following devices: iPad 3 and older iPad Mini 3 and older iPhone 5S and older iPad Air 1 iPod Touch 4 and older. iOS Version: Stratus Insight and Stratus Horizon Pro WILL work with iOS 12 or newer, and are only available in the U.S. and Canada. If you are using the latest iPad Pro (with a Type C connector) please purchase a USB Type C to 3.5mm Aux Headphone Jack Adapter from Apple. Apple Store Link 

Note: ATC Radio Transcription & Playback feature does not work on the following devices:

  • iPhone 12 and newer

The Stratus Audio Cable is designed to connect with standard GA Dual Fixed Wing connectors. It will NOT connect to LEMO, helicopter, or airline style plugs. Adapters may be available by third parties, but we do not guarantee the Audio Cable will transmit through them.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 7 × 1 in
Avidyne Lynx Iridium Open Flight Solutions Levil FreeFlight Stratux Dynon Avionics Dual